St. Hugh of Lincoln Roman Catholic Church

This Week's Mass Schedule

Mon 1/13/25 Octave of Epiphany
Tue 1/14/25 St. Hilary, BpCD
St. Felix, PrM
Wed 1/15/25 St. Paul the First Hermit
St. Maurus, Ab
Thu 1/16/25 St. Marcellus, PM
6:00 PM Holy Hour
Fri 1/17/25 St. Anthony of the Desert, Ab
5:20 PM Confessions, Rosary
6:00 PM Mass, Benediction
Sat 1/18/25 St. Peter’s Chair at Rome
St. Prisca, VM
8:30 AM Confessions, Rosary
9:00 AM Mass
Sun 1/19/25 Epiphany II
Ss. Maurus & Comp., Mm
St. Canute, King, M
8:00 AM Confessions, Rosary
8:45 AM High Mass
10:45 AM Confessions, Rosary
11:15 AM
Low Mass

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St. Hugh of Lincoln is served by priests that are trained at Most Holy Trinity Seminary in Brooksville, FL. The Seminary is operated by the Most Reverend Donald Sanborn. For more information on the seminary, please see the website.
