This Week’s Sermon(s)
Feast of the Purification – February 2, 2025
Great Faith – January 26, 2025 – Epiphany III
St. Hugh of Lincoln Live Streamed Masses
Some of our Masses are live-streamed on our YouTube channel. You can see previous live streams and any current streams under the “Live” tab on the St. Hugh of Lincoln YouTube channel.
If you’d like to be notified when a live stream begins, subscribe to the channel and “ring the bell” to receive notifications of new videos or live streams when they are posted.
Congratulations to our 2024 Confirmands!
Bishop McGuire came to Milwaukee to confirm 16 candidates on September 8, the Feast of the Nativity of Our Lady.
Did You Know?
Fr. McKenna and others of our clergy have been interviewed on Catholic Family Podcast:
Vigano Excommunicated: Why We Should be Cautious Rather than Coronate – with Fr. Stephen McKenna
Childrens’ Behavior at Mass: With Fr Stephen McKenna
Dopamine Exploited: the Will, Behavior, and Society: with Fr. Stephen McKenna and Dr. Dan Stanislowski
The Basics of the Faith: Tithing – With Father McKenna
Bishop McGuire on Scruples and the Melancholic Temperament
Several of our clergy have appeared on Catholic Family Podcast in recent months, telling the stories of their journeys to the priesthood, including Bp. McGuire, Fr. McKenna, Fr. Lehtoranta, Fr. Nkamuke, and Fr. Ojeka.
On Scruples and the Melancholic Temperament with Bp. McGuire
Update from Bishop Nkamuke: A Nigerian Bishop and a Flourishing Faith
His Excellency, Bishop Charles McGuire, tells his story
Father Stephen McKenna: A Journey to the Priesthood
Father Vili Lehtoranta: From Finland to parish Priest in Cinci
Fr Bede Nkamuke discusses the missions and seminary in Nigeria
Father Thomas Ojeka tells his story of perseverance in seeking Truth
An ongoing series on Philosophy with Fr. McKenna:
An Introduction to Philosophy – With Father Stephen McKenna
Plato, Aristotle, Socrates…not morons (Intro to Philosophy part 2)
Errors of Modern Philosophy with Fr McKenna: Hedonism & Stoicism
The Errors of Modern Philosophy with Fr McKenna: Rationalism & Empiricism
The Hegelian Dialectic with Fr. McKenna
Fr. McKenna’s Series on Catholic Courtship
Courtship Basics with Fr Stephen McKenna
The Dangers of “Platonic Relationships”
Catholic Family Podcast’s YouTube channel is here:
About the traditional Latin Mass
- Compare the Modern Mass with our traditional Latin Mass
- View detailed articles about the disaster of Vatican II
About St. Hugh of Lincoln Roman Catholic Church
Please Read from Father McKenna
Saint Hugh of Lincoln Church is the home of the Traditional Catholic Mass in Milwaukee. We hold firm to the teachings of the Catholic Church prior to the changes of Vatican II. We celebrate the mass following the traditional Latin Rite.
The Latin Mass as people like to call it, is the true expression of the Catholic Faith. We follow the religion Jesus Christ gave to the apostles, was preserved, nurtured and taught by the Roman Catholic Church, and which flourished up until the disastrous changes of Vatican II.
We make no compromise with the modern, liberal thinking that is so prevalent and harmful in so many of the churches today, even some of those that offer Latin Masses.
At St. Hugh of Lincoln Church we call ourselves Traditional Catholics. We follow all of the traditional Roman Catholic customs.These customs have all but disappeared in many of the Catholic churches in Milwaukee.
- Mass in Latin including High Mass, Gregorian Chant, Incense
- Frequent Confession
- Reverent Communion (while kneeling, and on the tongue)
- All the sacraments according to the traditional rites
- Fasting 3 hours prior to communion
- Friday abstinence
- Benediction, Processions, Rosaries
- Respect for the priests, reverence for the Blessed Sacrament
- Modest respectful dress for Mass (Sunday best)
- Respectful silence in church, reading and praying from the missal
We invite you to join us for mass and experience the mass as the saints did, and as your parents and grandparents did.
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