St. Hugh of Lincoln Roman Catholic Church

This Week's Mass Schedule

Mon 1/13/25 Octave of Epiphany
Tue 1/14/25 St. Hilary, BpCD
St. Felix, PrM
Wed 1/15/25 St. Paul the First Hermit
St. Maurus, Ab
Thu 1/16/25 St. Marcellus, PM
6:00 PM Holy Hour
Fri 1/17/25 St. Anthony of the Desert, Ab
5:20 PM Confessions, Rosary
6:00 PM Mass, Benediction
Sat 1/18/25 St. Peter’s Chair at Rome
St. Prisca, VM
8:30 AM Confessions, Rosary
9:00 AM Mass
Sun 1/19/25 Epiphany II
Ss. Maurus & Comp., Mm
St. Canute, King, M
8:00 AM Confessions, Rosary
8:45 AM High Mass
10:45 AM Confessions, Rosary
11:15 AM
Low Mass

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The Altar at St. Hugh of Lincoln

At St. Hugh of Lincoln we do not follow the modern innovation of having everybody receive holy communion. We believe that at communion we receive the actual body and blood of Jesus Christ. It is not merely a symbol or remembrance. It is one of the seven sacraments. As such, we follow the traditional rules set for receiving communion at St. Hugh. Communicants receive the consecrated host on the tongue while kneeling.

  • Non-Catholics are not permitted to receive
  • You must be fasting:
    • Three hours from solid foods and alcohol
    • One hour from other liquids
    • Water may be taken at any time
  • You must be in a state of sanctifying grace (confessed and been absolved from any mortal sins)
  • You must be modestly dressed
  • No Communion in the hand
  • At the traditional Mass, the communicant kneels at the communion rail, and receives the blessed sacrament on the tongue.
  • At the traditional Mass, the communicant does not say “Amen.”

At St. Hugh we follow a reverent practice of using a communion cloth. Communicants should place their hands under that cloth at the communion rail. The purpose of the cloth is to catch the consecrated host or any particles that accidentally fall while receiving communion.