St. Hugh of Lincoln Roman Catholic Church

This Week's Mass Schedule


Mon 9/30/24 St. Jerome, CD
Tue 10/1/24 Resumed Mass of Sunday
St. Remigius, BpC
Wed 10/2/24 Guardian Angels
Thu 10/3/24 St. Therese of Lisieux, V
6:00 PM Holy Hour
Fri 10/4/24 St. Francis of Assisi, C
5:00 PM Exposition, Rosary, Sacred Heart Devotions
5:20 PM Confessions
6:00 PM Mass, Expositions, Holy Face Devotions
7:50 PM Benediction
Sat 10/5/24 St. Placid & Comp., Mm
7:30 AM Confessions
8:00 AM Mass
Sun 10/6/24 Rosary Sunday
Pentecost XX
St. Bruno, C
8:00 AM Confessions, Rosary
8:45 AM High Mass
10:45 AM Confessions, Rosary
11:15 AM
Low Mass


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Request Information

To contact St. Hugh of Lincoln Church, you can phone the church at 414-645-1525.

To schedule a time to meet with a priest, or request more information about the Traditional Catholic Mass, please contact the coordinators Bob & Bridget Mueller 262-782-8564, or fill out the information below.

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