St. Hugh of Lincoln Roman Catholic Church

This Week's Mass Schedule

Mon 1/13/25 Octave of Epiphany
Tue 1/14/25 St. Hilary, BpCD
St. Felix, PrM
Wed 1/15/25 St. Paul the First Hermit
St. Maurus, Ab
Thu 1/16/25 St. Marcellus, PM
6:00 PM Holy Hour
Fri 1/17/25 St. Anthony of the Desert, Ab
5:20 PM Confessions, Rosary
6:00 PM Mass, Benediction
Sat 1/18/25 St. Peter’s Chair at Rome
St. Prisca, VM
8:30 AM Confessions, Rosary
9:00 AM Mass
Sun 1/19/25 Epiphany II
Ss. Maurus & Comp., Mm
St. Canute, King, M
8:00 AM Confessions, Rosary
8:45 AM High Mass
10:45 AM Confessions, Rosary
11:15 AM
Low Mass

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By appointment, call the coordinators (or contact us via email)


  • Solemnly administered periodically in May of the year.
  • Privately administered by request. (contact us)
  • Catholics who received confirmation in the post Vatican II rite (1971) should arrange to receive confirmation conditionally in the traditional rite.

First Holy Communion

  • Administered each year on the Sunday after Corpus Christi and the Feast of Christ the King.
  • Children should make their First Holy Communion when they have reached the age of reason (usually between five and eight years old), and know the rudiments of the faith (the First Communion Catechism).
  • According to canon law, children should receive Confirmation before First Holy Communion if possible.

Communion for the Sick

  • Please phone the coordinators. (contact us)
  • Let us know if a church member is sick or hospitalized.

Mass Intentions

  • Forms for individual intentions are available in the vestibule.
  • These may be handed in at the office or placed in the collection.


Typically before mass on Sundays. Please come at least 30 minutes prior to the start of mass time. Other times will be announced.

Extreme Unction

Let the coordinators know if a church member is gravely ill or in danger of death (contact us). Do not put off making arrangements until the last moment. Your priests must often travel a long distance to administer this sacrament.


  • If you are contemplating marriage, please make an appointment to speak with a priest before you set a date.
  • At least one of the parties must be a practicing traditional Catholic and member of this parish.
  • To preserve the dignity of the ceremony and to avoid the spirit of worldly display, we limit the number of bridesmaids and groomsmen.
  • Weddings are forbidden during Advent and Lent.